Conventional fuels have never been quite as expensive in Jamaica as they are in 2018. This means the moment is right for autogas to step in and take over some of petrol's territory. Massy Gas Products Jamaica Limited, or GasPro for short, is leading the revolution.
GasPro is excited to lead the introduction of autogas in Jamaica. We are always looking for ways to add value to customers and to innovate. As such, we are focused on being on the front line of this potentially revolutionary initiative.
Rohan Ambersley, chief executive officer of Massy Gas Products
Transition to LPG in the land of reggae and dreadlocks began modestly, with a pilot conversion of a fleet of 20 cars. As could be expected, the procedure was fully sucessful and so now GasPro, having partnered with Excel Motors, is into encouraging companies and individuals alike to make the switch from petrol to the world's most popular alternative fuel.
We have done 20 vehicles in test periods and the feedback in terms of return on their investment has been very positive. One entity observed profitability within two months while, for the other it was less than a month. Our choice of kit and installation methodology is second to none.
Patrick Marzouca, Excel Motors Managing Director
With positive first impressions (we wouldn't expect otherwise), Jamaica is bound to fall in love with autogas in next to no time at all. We only have one concern, or maybe two: when everybody turns to autogas and there are pins in every single country, who will we write about? And who's going to use all the petrol that's left with no real purpose? If only these were our most serious problems...
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