RTA expects to recoup the money invested in getting the vehicles converted within a year. Judging by the projected savings (21 thousand dollars per vehicle per year), the Ohio paratransit shuttles will cover smaller distances than their Oregon counterparts, but at a little over 10 thousand miles per year the vehicles should easily save as much as they're expected to. And once they pay back the investment, they are supposed to save 21 thousand dollars per year for the following five years. And that's not just from fuel, but also through reduced maintenance costs.
The shuttles are based on the Ford E-450 chassis and equipped with Roush CleanTech autogas systems, with the conversion carried out by Green Alternative Systems. The Aerotech bus body has been designed by ElDorado National Kansas, a branch of Allied Specialty Vehicles, with the use of a fiberglass composite reinforced structure for both rigidity and reduction of weight. Roush CleanTech estimates that not only will the converted buses save the operator (RTA) money, but also reduce CO2 emissions by 125 thousand pounds (approx. 56 tons) per vehicle over their lifetimes. Interestingly, RTA also operates buses running on electricity, natural gas and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel, as well as hybrid ones. Quite impressive, huh?
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