The World LPG Forum, now in its 29th edition, is a traveling event. It never occurs in the same city twice and even not on the same continent twice in a row. And since there are powerful regional LPG associations around the planet, the forum always coincides with local events. This year it runs along the 2016 AEGPL (European LPG Association) Congress, but that's hardly the only place to be in the Firenze Fiera Congress and Exhibition Centre other than the forum itself – the organisers made sure delegates would be kept busy with LPG-related matters even between conference sessions.
One of the most interesting additions is the display of various autogas-powered cars. Some of them are factory-converted, others prove LPG valour in motorsport events, others still are examples of applying autogas in ways many would never expect. So what cars are going to be there? The exhibition includes the following:
Of course, an exhibition of cars running on autogas is by no means the main reason to visit the World LPG Forum, but if you're there, be sure not to miss it. And if you're not there, be sure not to miss our updates and post-event recapitulations. There's no greater celebration of the LPG sector than this one!
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