– the largest and most comprehensive Internet platform dedicated to promoting economical, eco-friendly gaseous motor fuels, launched in Poland in 2007. Latest news, well founded information, comments from key people in the LPG/CNG business, product showcases and exhaustively explored technical and technological matters – all that makes gazeo a unique reference point for everybody interested in the LPG/CNG/LNG market all over the world.
The most thorough and precise online LPG Conversion Payback Simulator is an additional tool in the hands of anyone seeking to find out if autogas is a viable solution in their particular case.
The editors of have spent years in the field of alternative fuels and cars converted to run on LPG and CNG. This allows us to always deliver up-to-date, fact-based information, which makes us a valuable, reliable resource for a broad range of readers. As a provider of clear and organised knowledge, is an opinion-setting launchpad for informative and specialised radio and television programmes produced by e.g. the Polish Radio. We have also collaborated with international trade organisations and media, including the WLPGA (World LP Gas Association) and the AEGPL (European LP Gas Association).
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