The editorial staff is one of the key features of gazeo.eu. Professional knowledge of our editors results in high level of substance of our articles. The team is constituted by people who share a motoring passion and editorial experience.
Our technical matters specialist. An engineer by education and practice, he has a long-time journalist experience gained while working for some of the most opinion-setting motoring periodicals. A graduate of technical college and engineering studies, he is substantial and factual to the core, which makes him incredibly effective in all he does. His rich theoretical knowledge is augmented by practical experience gained during work as autogas system installer and repairer.
A graduate of English studies, motoring enthusiast and a passionate crusader for linguistic correctness. He has collaborated with motoring periodicals published nationwide. Finds writing easy and enjoyable, puts his sharp sense of humour to use as often as possible. Has been present at gazeo.pl since the beginning. An analytical mind, unparalleled in uncovering autogas-related stories from all over the world.
Our Customer Service does everything they can to meet the high expectations of our partners. They are the ones who keep directly in touch with autogas system installers, manufacturers and distributors. Their knowledge is a neverending source of inspiration for the editorial staff and the effects of this inspiration can be seen at gazeo.pl everyday in the form of latest news from the sector.
Direct contact with other people is what he values the most. Earned his experience in sales and customer service while working for specialised Web platforms and Yellow Pages-type browsers. Serving the needs of business partners the best way possible is not only his job, but also a personal goal. Has a natural gift for sensing other people&aposs expectations and knows the autogas sector from the insides as he holds installer qualifications. Enjoys small, highly motivated and well-coordinated teams, which in his opinion are best for creating close interpersonal relations with customers. Sails in his free time.
Aby utworzyć konto Warsztatu, należy zgłosić dane firmy: 609-966-101 lub biuro@gazeo.pl