It keeps surprising us how soon the holiday season comes each year – do years become shorter, does time flow quicker or do holidays occur more often? On the one hand we know the answer to all those questions is no, but on the other it's somewhat hard to believe. But the calendar can't be wrong, we suppose, so here we go.
Set all your worries aside or better still, may they go away and never return again. Enjoy and cherish the presence of your loved ones, nourish your inner child and absorb the joy of others receiving your gifts and wishes. Find peace and understanding, renew weakened relations and find time to practise your hobbies.
And when new year steals in, make it a 365-day-long string of success and happiness. May all your plans and dreams come true – both personally and professionally. Experience the breakthroughs you've been waiting for and make all the failure and misfortune go away. Let this be your year, but don't forget about along the way – be sure to visit us for news from the world of LPG and CNG, tests, reviews and coverage of events. See you in 2017!
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