The not-motorcycle-anymore-not-yet-car three-wheelers were launched in Phnom Penh, Cambodian capital, in March 2016 by EZ Go. The motivation behind switching from petrol and diesel to LPG is as simple as ever – lower fuel bills and fewer pollutants exiting the exhaust pipes. Also, EZ Go took the opportunity to install meters on the tuk-tuks to prevent drivers from gouging tourists, which to date was reportedly quite a common practice. Drivers have a choice of being hired on a salary or renting the vehicles (owned by EZ Go) for a fee of $7 per day.
I think the price of our rides is very low for customers, and it is a standardised price so we cannot cheat our customers. We also do not charge any additional fees for traffic jams because our fares are based on distance and not time.
Top Nimol, EZ Go owner
The tuk-tuks are Bajaj-designed and manufactured vehicles. Rather than being separate carriages pulled by attached motorcycles, they are single-piece structures, which makes them safer, more comfortable and easier to handle. They are increasingly popular not just among local customers, but also tourists, who often see them as an attraction in its own right. With LPG in the picture, the tuk-tuks will be significantly quieter, cleaner and cheaper to run, which should further boost demand among potential passengers and operators.
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