Autogas is relatively new to Honduras – it was introduced for real as late as 2011 and a taxi conversion scheme was launched even more recently, in 2013. And yet there are already some tangible results of this endeavor, with 7500 vehicles adapted to date. Not impressive enough? Think of it this way: that's 7500 cars cutting fuel costs by half, which is comparable to 3750 petrol-powered cars running absolutely for free. And that's quite something, we would say.
The intention of the national government is to convert the largest number of vehicles so that all taxis can be equipped with LPG technology. The conversion is completely free, the taxi driver does not pay for the installation, and all he has to do is refuel the car at the service station.
Fernando Madrid, legal director, Honduran Institute of Land Transportation
The converted taxis are used in the biggest cities: 2150 in the capital (Tegucigalpa) and some 1600 more in San Pedro Sula, in Cortés department. Depending on the region, drivers save between 150 and 300 lempiras daily (approx. 6,50-13 USD), which amounts to 18 thousand lempiras (750 dollars) annually. And let's face it, at this point money is the most significant factor driving adoption of autogas as motor fuel. Environmental advantages are also there, make no mistake, but they're more of a bonus. However, the more cars, the bigger emission cuts get, so let's hope to hear from Honduras soon again!
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