The station was launched in Calera y Chozas in the community of Castilla-La Mancha, along the major international highway connecting Madrid and Lisbon. It joins Galp's growing network of autogas retail points, already present in Madrid (Barajas, Alcalá de Henares and Sanchinarro), Barcelona (Vertix and Sant Adriá de Besós) and Galicia (Oleiros and Lapido Ames).
This piece of information goes to prove that Repsol, devoted as it is to developing the autogas market in Spain, is by no means the only contributor to infrastructure growth in the country. In fact, the more companies engage in the LPG station business, the better for drivers, because competition creates new fuel outlets quickly and drives retail prices down. We keep our fingers crossed for autogas in Iberia!
Autogas is a clean, efficient and economical alternative fuel with many advantages for the environment and consumers. According to forecasts, the demand for this fuel will increase in coming years, diversifying fuel choices offered in our country. Therefore, we are working on the development of our infrastructure and encouraging our commitment to this alternative fuel.
Sergio Hernández Domínguez, head of the LPG business at Galp Energia
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