The truck features Greenkraft's liquid autogas injection system, a solution apparently more popular in the United States than in Europe. The vehicle has been certified by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and CARB (California Air Resources Board) and is offered with a single or dual LPG tank. The single configuration provides a capacity of 43 GGEs (gas gallon equivalents, i. e. approx. 163 litres) and a range of 400 miles (640 km), the dual one – 86 GGEs (326 l), enough for 800 miles (1280 km) of driving. This means fuel economy is slightly above 25 l/100 km (9,4 mpg), which we'd say is not bad at all.
The new truck is a Class 4-5 vehicle, which means it plays in the 14500-19500 lbs (6525-8775 kg) GVWR category, but Greenkraft is also working on bigger, more capable variants of LPG-powered trucks, competing in the GVWR classes of 26000-33000 lbs, or 11700-14850 kg. Also in the making is a CNG-PHEV Class 4 truck, i. e. a plug-in hybrid featuring an engine running on compressed natural gas on the combustion side of power. The vehicle is jointly developed by Greenkraft and EDI (Efficient Drivetrains, Inc.) and the two companies have secured a grant of 900 thousand dollars to fund it. Now that's going to be one clean machine...
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