Centrifugal force may be useful at times. For example, it can be used to create an LPG filter that will set fuel in a spinning motion in order to “shake off” any contaminants and heavy oil fractions from it. The whole thing’s called EG Spinner.
© EuropeGASSmall and easily adaptable - the EG SpinnerWe’ve already come across this solution in Perfect Blue filters that have been on the market for some time, but the introduction of this new product confirms the validity of the whole idea. EuropeGAS – the company that developed EG Spinner – declares it’s 99% efficient in filtering particulate matter with a diameter of 1 µm. Such efficiency is a result of a Double Spin Force system – a dual flow guide of swirling gas. In this way, the value of centrifugal force goes up which makes the process of separating oil fractions and solid particles present in oil more efficient.
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