The investment is worth 953 million dollars and supervised by Early Power Limited from Ghana, supported by an international consortium including renowned energy market players: Endeavour Energy, General Electric (GE) and Sage Petroleum Limited. They are known for delivering sustainable, reliable and competitive energy solutions for developing countries.
The Bridge Power project will be executed in two stages. Once the first one is complete, the plant will generate 202 MW of power. Only after the completion of the second one the station will reach its full capacity of 424 MW. And then, within five years, natural gas is going to replace LPG as its primary fuel. Diesel will remain as auxiliary fuel for emergency situations of gas shortages.
During the first stage, 5 General Electric TM2500 gas turbines and one steam turbine (by the same manufacturer) will be installed. The latter will be powered by steam generators. Once the steam goes through the turbine, it will enter an air-cooled condenser, which will also be installed during the first stage of the project. Furthermore, LPG storage tanks and pipelines will be built.
In stage two, 4 General Electric LM6000 PC Sprint gas turbines and another steam turbine will be installed. They will be accompanied by 4 generators with heat recovery function, another condenser and further equipment. If everything goes according to schedule, stage two will be completed in 2020.
The plant will be supplied by a 9-kilometre long pipeline, with a diameter of 12 inches (approx. 30 cm). It's going to directly connect the station with the Tema refinery. In the first stage, Bridge Power will use 771 tons of LPG daily, once it reaches full capacity – 1679 tons. With this amount of fuel, it's going to produce 17% of all electric energy required in Ghana.
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