Others might boast, we are just going to say it: gazeo's coverage of the 2013 Master Truck event has been included in WLPGA's latest issue of the Autogas Updates newsletter, which is compiled and sent a couple of times a year. Our piece of news ranked three in this prestigious LPG bulletin, higher than items concerning such major and important global autogas markets as Turkey or South Korea. Being included in the newsletter allows us to demostrate how active Polish autogas sector remains and what it does to keep promoting liquefied petroleum gas as motor fuel, not necessarily for passenger cars only.
Here at gazeo we have been using the Master Truck to popularise autogas for a couple of years now. Even though the event is strictly truck-oriented, this year we did not focus on diesel-gas systems, even though there were quite a few showcased. Instead, we presented autogas as a versatile fuel, capable of moving virtually anything with wheels and a combustion engine. Poland's largest custom truck show is going to celebrate its 10th anniversary during its 2014 edition and let us just say for now that it will be an even better than usual opportunity to showcase LPG from an unusual, interesting perspective.
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