Even though using methane as motor fuel has been becoming popular in Russia lately, GasSUF's organisers advertise the event as the only one in the country dedicated solely to CNG as oil-based fuels substitute for trucks, buses and other vehicles. We'd say it's quite surprising since Russia is a major methane producer, not to say a methane superpower. Maybe it wasn't until now that it was decided to make broader use of natural gas locally instead of exporting it?
Whatever the cause, the GasSUF is an event characterised by a very comprehensive approach to all sorts of gaseous fuels. The exhibition has been divided into seven major parts, each of which could easily become a standalone event:
Available exhibition area is shrinking rapidly, since all the major companies from all over the world have already announced their presence in Moscow. Among them there are truck and bus manufacturers, as well as tank, fittings, refueling station equipment and compressor makers. And even though CNG will be in the event's spotlight, the GasSUF is an event big enough to accommodate all things gaseous. When mid-October comes, all eyes turn to Moscow!
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