The VISITOR PASS entitles you to enter the Warsaw Gas Days 2018 exhibition zone and to participate in the INNOVATION SHOWCASE DAY presentations on March 15. Furthermore, you will receive a set of informational materials on site, including a printed catalogue and free gifts from the event partners and exhibitors and access to the free networking application WGD APP.
The BUSINESS PASS entitles you to enter the Warsaw Gas Days 2018 exhibition zone, attend the LPG, CNG & LNG – OUTLOOK FOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT conference (March 14), the INNOVATION SHOWCASE DAY presentations (March 15) and refreshments and Business Lunch during both days. Furthermore, you will receive a set of informational materials on site, including a printed catalogue and free gifts from the event partners and exhibitors and access to the free networking application WGD APP.
The VIP PASS entitles you to enter the Warsaw Gas Days 2018 exhibition zone, attend the LPG, CNG & LNG – OUTLOOK FOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT conference (March 14), the INNOVATION SHOWCASE DAY presentations (March 15), refreshments and Business Lunch during both days and Evening Dinner (March 14) with the INPRO 2018 Awards ceremony. Furthermore, you will receive a set of informational materials on site, including a printed catalogue and free gifts from the event partners and exhibitors and access to the free networking application WGD APP.
The online registration is avaliable here.
More information, conference agenda and the list of exhibitors can be found at
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