By implementing new legal and tax regulations French government wants to gradually discourage the use of diesel-powered vehicles. Also, in 2015 a new car identification system will be introduced to help indicate the most polluting vehicles on the roads, thus allowing to ban them from city centres. Currently as much as 80% of French drivers use diesel-powered cars.
France has long been a diesel-friendly country. It was a mistake and now we must gradually counteract the trend in an intelligent, pragmatic manner.
Manuel Valls, French prime minister
Mr Valls pointed out that by modifying the taxation system he wishes to lure French drivers away from diesels and towards more eco-friendly solutions. New regulations, making petrol-powered cars more attractive to buyers and discouraging them from choosing oil burners, will be introduced as early as in 2015. French government intends to raise excise tax (TICPE – Taxe Intérieure de Consommation sur les Produits Energétiques) on diesel fuel by 2 eurocents per litre, hoping to raise an additional estimated sum of 807 million euros for the national budget.
In early 2014 Frech minister for environment, sustainable development and energy, Ségolène Royal, announced that drivers of diesel-powered cars who decide to scrap their current cars will be entitled to receive a 10 thousand euro incentive to buy electric vehicles instead.
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